Get a powerful team messaging platform based on topics of conversation rather than rigid channels.
Leverice is one of the best Slack alternatives for team communication. Find out why it’s better than Slack.
We’re ready to solve your problems with Slack in a powerful way
Slack has threads, channels, direct messages, apps. Even in a small organisation the navigation bar can get pretty overwhelming. Context gets lost in a matter of minutes.
Leverice is an encrypted structured messaging application with a topic-based channel tree. You can create channels and dedicated subchannels to structure your team communication as the conversation evolves. Information remains neatly structured and easy to find.
To find out about any activity in the workspace at Slack, you need to switch to it. So, from time to time you may fall out of the discussion and issues get delayed, which has a negative impact on the efficiency of the whole team.
At Leverice, you can see all your workspaces in the channel tree and communicate in them simultaneously. You don’t need to switch to each your workspace to be aware of all the discussions. Be available to your teams at all times and solve issues quickly and efficiently at Leverice.
There is no opportunity to see if your, or someone else’s, message has been read. Unless they post a ‘reaction’ in which case you know they have at least seen it.
It is important to know if communications have been received or not. So in Leverice you can see who has read your message.
Leverice is transforming the way teams communicate
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